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Easily find comps! Twitaculous is a fabulous service listing all of the best UK competitions - updated DAILY! You can keep track of your entries and enter competitions easily and quickly! Already hundreds of competitions added and waiting for you to enter!

Competitions Added

Today: 1

Yesterday: 0

This Week: 1

Last Week: 41

This Month: 163


There are 3 competitions that end today.

There are 44 competitions ready to enter.

Enter Competitions!

Twitaculous is a fantastic service listing all of the best competitions - updated DAILY! You can keep track of your tweets/entries and enter competitions quickly and easily! Already hundreds of competitions added and waiting for you to enter!

Twitaculous lets you easily find and enter Twitter/X competitions. We find and list virtually any sort of Twitter/X competition: follow and retweet, answering a question, uploading a photo. We help you keep track of all the competitions you've entered and allow you to hide ones you've no interest in and keep a list of your favourite ones.

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Know About A Competition

We add most types of Twitter competition. Whether it's a retweet and follow, answer a question, use a #hashtag or even upload a photo.

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Running A Competition?

Twitaculous helps people find and enter your Twitter/X competition. We help people enter virtually any kind of Twitter/X competition, whether it's a simple retweet and follow, if they need to answer a question or if you'd like a photo from them. We make sure they follow your Twitter/X account (and any number of additional Twitter/X accounts required for their entry into your competition). We do our best to tell potential entrants the correct finishing criteria, number of entries allowed, any other tasks they need to perform. We are happy to update any details if we've missed anything.

It's important to note that Twitaculous is not an automated competition entry service or Twitter/X "bot", our members have to log into the site and click to enter a competition in a similar way to how they would click on Twitter/X's own website. Each click will only enter them into that one competition once. We do not provide any way of scheduling a competition entry for later on or any way of bulk entering multiple competitions.